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Storytelling As a Lever For Change

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1 day / 10h

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400 €



Storytelling As a Lever For change

Narratives shape our world and stories are the most powerful way to share impactful ideas that create change. Yet, today we live in a world of continuous media humming, where everyone is a storyteller, where it is often hard to be heard or to make sense of the noise, and where we risk being trapped in our own filter bubble.


In this collaborative workshop you will learn about storytelling and how it can be leveraged to accelerate and amplify deep and meaningful change. To make the conversation very concrete, we will explore a substantial example of how to drive social change through storytelling.


  • How can storytelling help you drive deep and sustainable change?

  • Do you want to affect change at system or community level?

  • Do you want your transformation project to stand apart?

  • Do you want to change how your organisation is perceived?

  • Do you want to embark your team in a change journey?


This training will equip you with some tools to craft, renew and deploy powerful narratives.


To begin with, we will identify a societal or organisational systemic issue and reflect on how to change the current narrative around it in order to affect change (eg. Black Lives Matter). We will explore how to create stories that can amplify the desired narrative(s) developed earlier.


In its in-person format, the workshop unfolds over a full day. The virtual course is broken down in four 2h30 sessions over four weeks.


In-person format:    1 full day


Virtual format:         4 x 2h30 over 4 weeks



The aim is to equip you with some core principles and powerful tools to initiate change through storytelling.

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If you require more information, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to clear any doubts you may have.

Thanks for submitting!

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